工资单可以说是雇主最重要的人力资源责任之一, 尤其是如果你去问员工. 但, 对于可能没有指定的工资专业人员的公司, the task of 工资处理 can be frustrating 和 time-consuming for the employer to manage. 这是许多雇主寻求利用的原因之一 工资外包和处理服务.

Businesses 和 employers can benefit greatly from outsourcing 工资处理 services. 通过这样做, 他们可以节省时间和精力, 同时确保遵守最新的工资法律法规. 然而,重要的是要注意,并不是所有的工资服务提供者都是平等的. 值得信赖和合格的公司可以帮助保持业务安全和税收合规, 而不可靠或欺诈性的公司可能会导致丢失存款, 盗窃, 或者没有提交申报表.

It’s crucial for businesses to choose a reputable provider to avoid potential legal 和 financial consequences, as they may be held responsible for paying taxes even if they have already paid the provider.


1. 你们提供哪些具体的薪资服务?

从一般的工资处理到考勤,从员工自助服务到报告, it should be a priority to first learn about the specific services a payroll provider can offer 和 which services will be most critical to your business needs.

2. 你们的工资单服务和我们公司的会计软件兼容吗?

Beware of payroll companies who are unwilling to integrate with other HR 和 accounting software systems. A payroll provider’s ability to integrate with other types of accounting software platforms will offer you greater flexibility 和 control.

3. 您的薪资服务的定价选择和费用是什么?

A good payroll provider will not only offer you competitive pricing but will also be able to offer pricing based on your company’s specific needs.

4. 工资单服务的设置和整个流程是如何工作的?

It’s important to know if there’s an extensive learning curve or training involved with the enlisting of a payroll service. 最终的目标应该是一个简单而容易的过渡.

5. 你们的工资服务提供工资税解决方案吗?

除了定期的工资发放服务, a good payroll service provider can offer peace of mind 和 reduce risk in the complex area of payroll tax compliance.

6. 你的工资单服务提供安全可靠的客户数据处理吗?

It’s important to underst和 how a payroll service provider protects its customer data 和 sensitive financial information. A good payroll service provider will make sure your accounting 和 payroll information stays clear from potential hackers.

7. 你们的工资服务提供什么样的客户支持?

Every person or business wants to be certain they can receive the customer support needed when necessary. Find out the accessibility 和 availability of the payroll service provider’s customer support before you enlist.

我们有信心,当您搜索薪资解决方案服务, 你会发现LBMC就业合作伙伴是最好的.

工资外包需要考虑的四个因素 & 处理服务

如果你一直对使用工资外包和处理服务持观望态度, 这里有一些需要考虑的事情.

    1. 公司的资源,Something every employer must consider when deciding between in-house 工资处理 or choosing a payroll service provider is company resources. 如果雇主没有合适的技术, 受过专业训练的员工, 或者有维护工资记录的能力, 这可能是一个好迹象,表明将工资税外包是最好的办法.
    2. 数据安全,Employers must take every step to ensure employee data is kept safe 和 secure at all times. One of the biggest concerns for small businesses when it comes to outsourcing payroll 和 processing is data security. 知道自己掌握着高度敏感的数据, payroll providers go the extra mile to keep client information safe 和 secure from cyber-attacks. Every payroll outsourcing company should be equipped with the proper tools 和 tactics to protect sensitive employee data.
    3. 税收遵从。Knowing how to properly manage tax deductions 和 meet the federally-m和ated taxes for Social Security 和 Medicare is one of the biggest factors in 有效的工资管理. 薪资外包公司可以很好地保证联邦的归档, 状态, 以及当地的纳税申报表, 同时还要处理所有工资税的支付. Employers can also benefit from a payroll outsourcing agency’s on-time responses to tax agency inquiries.
    4. 员工自助服务- - - - - -Establishing a process that makes it easy for employees to manage their payroll needs is a valuable way to make 工资处理 more efficient. 大多数工资外包公司为员工提供在线自助服务功能. This technology provides convenience for employees who need quick 和 easy access to their personal pay information. Many of these companies also offer employers time-clock interface tools 和 apps to make for a more user-friendly experience for employees.


虽然薪资外包已经成为一种越来越普遍的做法, there are also a few common misconceptions about the advantages involved with enlisting a payroll provider. 以下是需要澄清的四个误解.

    1. 外包工资是一个复杂的过程. 假. 大多数工资单提供商都有简单的, 用户友好的入职系统到位,让您轻松设置和运动. 像LBMC EP这样值得信赖的工资单提供商将帮助您做好准备, 提前收集所有需要的信息, 顺利过渡到新的薪资系统.
    2. 外包工资成本高. 错误的. 对许多公司来说,内部处理薪资比外包成本更高. 处理工资任务需要大量的时间和人力, many companies have found that outsourcing payroll has been a better way to steward company resources. Professional payroll providers can also save companies from costly penalties related to tax 和 compliance.
    3. 外包工资并不安全. 事实并非如此. A professional payroll provider will have taken extra precautions to defend against potential data breaches. 知道自己掌握着高度敏感的数据, payroll providers go the extra mile to keep client information safe 和 secure from cyberattacks.
    4. 外包工资放弃了控制权. 正相反. 而工资单提供商将在工资单流程和记录保存方面发挥主导作用, employers can benefit from viewing a payroll provider relationship as more of a partnership rather than a service. Maintaining regular communications with your payroll provider will not only provide you with peace of mind, 也可以让你获得你需要的任何信息或报告.

让我们支持您的薪资外包 & 处理需求

在LBMC就业伙伴公司, our goal is to provide employers with peace of mind while reducing risk in the complex areas of 工资处理 工资税合规. The benefits above are just a few of the reasons we’ve been recognized as one of the top payroll service providers in Tennessee 和 the 第一个获得美国国税局认证的PEO.

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LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司, 明升体育app下载的成员, 是世界级的专业服务公司吗. LBMC就业伙伴 provides a comprehensive suite of human resource-related services to businesses, 包括 专业雇主组织 (PEO)服务, 人力资源外包 (HRO), 工资、人力资源咨询、员工福利等 ACA 合规咨询. 作为一个自豪的合作伙伴和授权经销商UKG准备, LBMC就业伙伴 helps clients be successful by offering a full suite of automated, 可扩展的工具,通过这个统一的人力资本管理系统. LBMC就业合作伙伴也是唯一一家总部位于田纳西州的PEO 认证专业就业机构 (CPEO)在第一轮IRS认证中的指定. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.lbmcep.com.